Trying to be helpful by listing and linking people’s favourite quick reads (less than 1 hour long), that either changed their life or is something they’d recommend to everyone.
Inspired by McKay Wrigley’s tweet, “What’s a quick read (<1hr), in any format, that either changed your life or is something you’d recommend to everyone?”

Behavioural / Self Improvement
Memento Mori — How Remembering Your Mortality Improves Your Life by Jonas Salzgeber
A Dozen Things I’ve Learned from Charlie Munger about Mental Models and Worldly Wisdom
Hunter S. Thompson’s Letter on Finding Your Purpose and Living a Meaningful Life
Quantum Thinking — A New Mental Superpower, As Explained by Huge Nerds
Speech Transcripts
The Multidisciplinary Approach to Thinking by Peter D. Kaufman
To have a fulfilling life you have to make promises by David Brooks
Jonathan Livingston Seagull: The Complete Edition by Richard Bach
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (Full Book linked)
Manual for Living by Epictetus (Full Book linked)
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant
THE FLINCH by Julien Smith (Full Book linked)
Science & Tech
Business, Marketing, Future of Work etc
The Inner Ring by C.S. Lewis
Disclaimer: I’ve used Amazon Affiliate Links here. Feel free to help out by using them, much appreciated!
You can find my previous posts here. I also interview legends at Compounding Curiosity, lurk on Twitter @scarrottkalani, and have a Discord server for everything Allocators Asia (I’d love for you to join our cool little community we got going).
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