I’m trying to be helpful and listing some podcasts recommended by others that few people have heard, sort them by category and link to them.
Suugestions from Patrick Oshaughnessy’s tweet. What is the best podcast episode you heard this year which you think the fewest other people have heard?

Tried to link the podcast episode web page (or at least a non-apple source) along with an Apple link. Enjoy!
Business, Investing & Markets
Behavioural, Tech, and Science
Neil Gaiman on Long Now Seminars – (Apple Link Unavailable?)
What if everyone is simply insane? on The Portal – (Apple Link)
Ricky Ponting on Lessons Learnt with the Greats – (Apple Link) My choice
Conversion with Ric Elias on A Bit of Optimism – (Apple Link)
Jack White and Brendan Benson on Broken Record – (Apple Link)
John O’Donohue on On Being with Krista Tippett – (Apple Link)
Krugman is Scared of Ayn Rand; A Debate of Lies; Why Trump is Losing on Yaron Brook Show – (Apple Link)
Questlove Supreme with Rick Rubin Broken Record – (Apple Link)
You can find my previous posts here. I also interview legends at Compounding Curiosity, lurk on Twitter @scarrottkalani, and have a Discord server for everything Allocators Asia (I’d love for you to join our cool little community we got going).
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