I’m trying to be helpful and listing peoples best pieces of investment research, sort them into categories and link to them.
Inspired by Patrick Oshaughnessy’s tweet. What’s the best piece of investing research that you’ve ever read/seen/heard?

Market Commentary / Thoughts
30 Years: Reflections on Ten Attributes of Great Investors by Michael Mauboussin
Capital Allocation: Evidence, Analytical Methods, and Assessment Guidance by Michael Mauboussin
Competitive Advantage Period “CAP” by Michael Mauboussin & Paul Johnson
A Generational Opportunity A Generational Opportunity by Jim O’Shaughnessy
The Agony and the Ecstasy: The risks and rewards of a concentrated stock position by JPM
Active vs. Passive Investing and the “Suckers at the Poker Table” Fallacy
Business Cases
Inside ACE Securities HEL Trust. Series 2005-HE5 (Just have to put in an email then should download a PDF version)
Shorting Home Equity Mezzanine Tranches – A strategy to cash in on a slowing housing market
Investor Letters
Expectations Investing by Alfred Rappaport and Michael Mauboussin
Fooling Some of the People All of the Time, A Long Short (and Now Complete) Story by David Einhorn
How you can profit from the coming devaluation by Harry Browne
Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond by Bruce Greenwald
Expected Returns: An Investor’s Guide to Harvesting Market Rewards by Antti Ilmanen
Speeches and Interviews
The Earnings Mirage: Why Corporate Profits are Overstated and What It Means for Investors
Equity Risk Premiums: Determinants, Estimation and Implications by Aswath Damodaran
Helicopter Money: Or How I Stopped Worrying and Love Fiscal-Monetary Cooperation
Related Posts of Mine
You can find my previous posts here. I also interview legends at Compounding Curiosity, lurk on Twitter @scarrottkalani, and have a Discord server for everything Allocators Asia (I’d love for you to join our cool little community we got going).
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